Write a one page history as a Jewish survivor of a concentration camp.
Secondary School History 5 points
Write a one page history of germany as a jewish survivor of a concentration camp
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I have survived a concentration camp. It was horrible because they treated me like I was a rabid coyote ready to attack. I saw my friends get taken away one by one until I found out how to escape. I had no food, no water, and I felt as weak as a baby trying to bench press. Nobody wanted to help me, so I had to stay out of the sunlight. I felt like a bat, cold, dark, and scared. I finally found this family that wanted to take care of me like their own, but soon German soldiers raided the house for supplies and found me. I was thanking my lucky stars that I was still alive, but I never knew for how much longer. The family was killed, and I witnessed it. I found out where my friends were going to, they were dropping like flies and all this time I thought the soldiers were beating them, but it turns out that they took their own lives and were being put in jail cells. The soldiers had us exercise until it felt like our limbs were going to fall off. But the one thing I will never forget, is how my best friend John stepped out of line and went up to the commander and said he forgave him. I thought wow, that is very mature, but what happened next was horrific. The commander took his 1911 Colt and shot him without remorse. That is my story on the concentration camp.