English, asked by hasanimam759, 3 days ago

Write a paragraph about Jackfruit of using this question.
a. What are benefits of jackfruit?
b. Do you like jackfruit?
c. Why jackfruit is called jackfruit?
d. What is the characteristics of jackfruit?​


Answered by pinkzz33


Jackfruit is one of the commonly consumed foods in Sri Lanka from the ancient time. It is a nonseasonal fruit and had a major contribution to the food supply of the people and their livestock when there were short supplies of staple food grains [1, 2]. Therefore, it is referred to as poorman’s food [3].

It is a monoecious tree and both male and female inflorescences are found on the same tree [4, 5]. The fertilization is by cross-pollination and the propagation is mostly through seeds. The complete fruit development process takes about three to seven months from the pollination, varying in different countries. [6].

1.1. Origin and Distribution

Jackfruit is considered to be originated in the rain forests of the Western Ghats in the Southwestern part of India, but some authors argue that Malaysia could be the possible centre of origin [7]. It is found in many parts of Asia, Africa, and South America [2, 6, 8, 9]. Jacktree grows in warm and moist regions [4, 10].

1.2. Jacktree and the Fruits

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