write a paragraph about the most enjoyable days in your vacation?
Summer Vacation Summer vacation is one of the most exciting times of the year. Every year we go to the island of Surf City in North Carolina. Surf City is a cool place and there are so many things that you can do. Maybe the reason why I like it so much is because of the change of scenery. The greatness of the mountains to the vastness of the ocean puts a person in awe. Summer vacation gives our family time to relax, and do things we want to do. On the island there are many things such as: restaurants, fishing piers, museums, and stores. One of the big things our family does is the sport of fishing. I love fishing because of the thrill of it; it is so cool to catch such interesting fish such as a sting ray or a silver fish. This past year, our beach house was right on the beach, which was very cool. My favorite part was sitting on the porch right when it was getting dark; because of the feel of the wind and the smell of the ocean. I could also watch and here the sound of the ocean beating on the sand. During our vacation we have a day we walk the island and go into the many gift shops,sport and fishing stores; there are also parks we visit located on the sound. Another thing I appreciate is the restaurants on the island; some of the best tasting seafood can be had there. After the week is over,I personally have a hard time leaving,as does everyone else. I find myself wishing I could live there and open my own business. That would be very cool but I do not know if I would enjoy being there as much as just being on summer vacation.
Hey M
The most enjoyable days of my vacation are spending times with my loved ones.