write a paragraph describing a bus ride to watch a cricket match in a village. Hints: - • two hours journey by bus • An old and crowded bus. • Friendly passengers. • Visit to a village fair wher the match is to played • The match between two village teams • The match was enjoyable but the trip was tiring
this much long paragraph ,
A cricket match was organised in Muzaffarnagar last week. I went to watch the match along with my friend. I live in Modinagar and Muzaffarnagar is a two hours bus journey from my place. We caught a bus of Uttar Pradesh transportation from the bus depot near my place. It was an old and crowded bus. We didn't get any seats and had to keep standing all through the journey. The passengers were mostly farmers from the nearby villages.They were very simple and friendly. We were chatting with each other and cracking jokes. It was a long journey and the roads were very bad.When we finally reached Muzaffarnagar, I felt relaxed. There was a large fair being organised at the place where the match was to be played. There was still time left for the match to begin so we decided to enjoy the fare. There were many stalls of food items and games at the fare and we had great fun.
The match started on its time. It was between two village teams. We were cheering for our team. There was a tough competition between both the teams and finally, our village won the game.
The match was very exciting and enjoyable, but the long journey had made us tired. It was a very good day that left behind many sweet memories.