Write a paragraph describing funny things my pet has done".
I have two dogs: one is a very calm old dog named Toby who mostly sleeps and loves to eat, and the other is a much smaller, authoritarian dog named LouLou who keeps Toby in line. We feed them in the kitchen, which is attached by two separate doorways to the living room. Toby, loving food as he does, scarfed his food down, but Lou still had about three-quarters of hers left. So, Toby meandered into the living room, and we started petting him and such until Lou heard that he was getting attention and came in yapping her head off so that we would love her more.
Then, Toby trotted around through the second doorway, and walked right up to Lou’s food bowl and started eating. After about ten seconds of this, Lou realized she had been duped. She came screaming through the kitchen, chasing Toby away, so he just casually walked back to us, and we started petting him again. Lou, not being the smartest, fell for it again and again, until Toby had eaten all of her food.
This paragraph is unoriginal, please give credit to real owners.