English, asked by 02Muskan, 8 months ago

Write a paragraph in about 100 words on 'How Should we behave with our pets'?

please answer fast​


Answered by janu519


We should be careful with bigger animals and should try to avoid going too close to them. For example dogs are sometimes nasty when someone is too close.

As far as cats and birds are concerned, these are mostly harmless. So, we may feel protected and let them also feel protected from any harm. They should take us as their friends. We may feed them when there is a possibility of doing that.

We should not tease them. Some kids are rough with squirrels. That is not nice. We may shoo out lizards (but unfortunately I had been killing them because my wife wanted that). Cockroaches? I think these should be killed.

Snakes? One should stay away even it is not poisonous type. We should not cage birds; I do not like that. They should be set free. Mice? Let them go. Termite? Apply heptachlor to send them deep down.

We should not mess up with horses and camels etc. Also, we should not try to make donkeys more intelligent! LET THEM LIVE AS THEY FEEL COMFORTABLE. Fiddling with their intelligence level may erode ours!

hope that this may helps u dear

Answered by boss517748


Thanks for a free point

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