English, asked by ashashish333, 1 month ago

Write a paragraph in not more than 150 words on topic role of technology in school life


Answered by RacKing27


When we look around us, we see a huge number of examples of technology. The mobile phone in our hands, the headphones we wear for listening to music, the microwave we use to heat our food, and even the construction of the buildings we live in – all use some or the other type of technology

Technology is so important in today’s world that it is almost impossible to imagine a life without it. Could you imagine what you would do if you weren’t able to watch television every once? Or what would you do if you were unable to talk to your grandmother who lives away from you on the phone for some time now and then?

With the incorporation of technology into schools, the main purpose is to change how teachers and students gather, access, analyze, present and transmit information. This can democratize information in classrooms as well as help differentiate instruction, particularly for students with special needs.

Answered by msasalmabegum



Technology is helpful in many ways especially in terms of education. It helps students to develop interest and learn new things. Nowadays a newly born child gets used to a mobile phone and when kids will get their education on these platforms, they will just love it.


The mode of education was never the same, it has changed continuously; in the beginning, there were no books or notebooks, students use to learn whatever their teacher use to teach in the class itself. Slowly paper and pen were invented and slowly the process moved and today we have technology on our doorstep. Find here some essays on the topics to create your own for your school assignments.

The word technology has been derived from a Greek word ‘t e k h n o l o g i a’ where ‘t e k h’ stands for art, craft, skill,.. and logy stands for the subject of interest. I can sum up technology as a platform that can perform a task as per our needs. When we add education with technology, then you can imagine how easy it is going to be for us.

Technology provides a digital platform and nowadays it has become an important part of our life. Where ever we go we see the use of technology. Schools are running with the new tag of smart classes and these smart classes are the best example of technology.

The use of technology has made education easy as well as interesting. Usually, children don’t like going to school but after introducing these smart classes they just love being there. Apart from these smart classes, there is also much software available for educational purposes.

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