English, asked by hoangphannguyen, 1 year ago

Write a paragraph of 120 words about at the qualities a teacher of English needs
Which has the following sections:
- Topic Sentences
- Supporting ideas
- Concluding sentence
Help me please thank you so much


Answered by atharvapatil2299


The English language is widely spoken in different parts of the globe. People who are not native English speakers can improve their English language and pursue other courses abroad. This can also help them in securing jobs in other countries or doing business with foreign people. An experienced teacher can help you in improving your listening, writing, pronunciation, and reading skills. Students can get the services of experienced English teachers by enrolling in reputable institutions like Harmon Hall Online. It is the best school where you can enroll for Curso de ingles.

A good, well-trained teacher can make a huge difference in your education and future. Highly-effective English teachers should be fresh always, introduce new ideas and changes, experiment with new things and be unique. Good teachers should have certain qualities like patience, tenacity, and adaptability. These are some of the essential qualities that can help learners in improving academically. The following are the essential qualities that a good English teacher should have:


Remember that students are different. Some of them learn quicker than others. Struggling student should be given more attention than fast learners. Thus, teachers should be very patient when dealing with students. Ideally, teaching should be done at apace in which most students are comfortable with. They should avoid rushing through the coursework as this can discourage students from learning.


Teachers should adapt themselves to all students that they are handling. The approach used by professionals depends on the individual needs of students. They should keep track of their students’ progress throughout the sessions. Any approach or plan that isn’t working should be changed.


English teachers should be active listeners. Demonstrating their level of openness can make them more accessible and approachable by students. It is therefore imperative to listen to the individual needs of your students and come up with an effective plan. Offering comforting support to students can make them feel valued.


Professionals should have a better understanding of the English language for them to impart skills to learners. They should demonstrate confidence in their reading, writing, and pronunciation skills. He or she should explain the different concepts in a manner that students can understand. Again, they should know where to start and pace their work correctly. Being interactive can help them in checking that learners understand.


Students who are attentive can absorb almost everything that is being taught. Professionals should be enthusiastic and energetic. Being interactive and making the coursework more interesting is the key to inspiring active interest in your student. It can also motivate them to do better

Answered by ramadeviyeruva


The qualities of english teacher is she wants every one of our student to be at a great position she /he wants to learn more to tell her students properly .

●so please listen to your teachers

●and dont talk while teacher is telling answer.

teachers are same as gods to us .and i am a student of sri chaitanya 6 class


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