English, asked by hemalatha4815, 1 month ago

Write a paragraph of about 100-150 words on Morning scene in the park


Answered by mahadev7599


In the morning, the sun is bright, and the sunlight is warm and not harsh. The birds keep chirping, and the breeze is cool. The leaves of the plants are covered from the dew drops. The level of noise pollution in the mornings are less compared to the other times of the day. In the morning the big buzzing bumble bees swarmed up in the air in glad searching for sweet honey. The huge trees swung in the wind greeting good morning. The small colourful cute butterflies danced all around the environment looking for sweet nectar. The flower’s fragrance filled the whole environment making the morning pleasant. In the morning, all the silence, the bright light of the horizon on the east, carefully infiltrated the light blue sky, and the new day gradually moved from afar.  When the first morning light hit the mist, the street ushered in a warm morning.  The morning after the rain is like a symphony. The beauty of the morning is really heart-warming. I am sighing at the magic of nature and having such an intoxicating view.

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