write a paragraph on a 'true bravery '
(words 50-60)
key points
a example of a person
not only physically strong mental strength.
truthful action point
Bravery exists in many shapes, sizes and situations. However, being brave is never ever simple. I consider myself one of the strongest, most dedicated and hardworking women I know. But when it comes to standing up for myself to one particular bully I crumble. Part of me recognizes that this is just a temporary situation and there is no point in wasting my breath by standing up for myself. Rather, I should just play the “game” and let the bully think he’s winning. I start to wonder why… Why do I allow someone to abuse me in this way. I question why I let someone make my life more difficult, why I let this bully gossip about me, and why I let my quality of life suffer because of this bully. I discover the reason is because this bully plays a huge role in my life and my success as a person, so it’s risky to bite the hand that feeds you.
hope it will help you.