Write a paragraph on
"Back to school"
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A place where good and evil collide, a place to meet partners for life, or you can create the worst of enemies :school. With school come teachers, kids, and diseases. Teachers can be wonderful friends, or they could decide to hate you on the first day of school. I had a teacher like that in the 6th Grade, but I wont get into that, for it will turn into a rant, which you do not want. When returning to school, you will probably not have all of your classes with the friends that you made last year ,and because schools are so diabolical ,they will put you with people that you loathe. I have to say that I feel sorry for all math teachers. They might be good people and all, but they teach the most boring subject on the face of the Earth. One thing I do like in school, is the band. So far, I have pretty high hopes for this school year.