Write a paragraph on balance in an ecosystem project
The balance in an ecosystem signifies the harmony in the living organisms like plants and animals in the same forest. It should remain undisturbed for the betterment of the ecosystem. This may lead to a balanced state in the ecosystem.
An ecosystem is balanced when the biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) parts of the ecosystem are in equilibrium. This means that the nutrients are able to cycle efficiently, and no community of organisms or natural phenomena is interrupting the flow of energy and nutrients to other parts of the ecosystem.
There is a very delicate balance between the components of the biosphere, that is, the atmosphere, the lithosphere and the hydrosphere. Even a slight change in this balance can have a negative impact on the ecosystem; for example, the expansion of human population has put great stress on the environment. Pollution and the reckless felling of trees have affected our environment very badly. Nature can regenerate and purify itself only up to a certain limit, but beyond that, it will be destroyed permanently. Hence, there is a need to maintain a balance among the ecosystems.