English, asked by manpreetkour798, 3 months ago

write a paragraph on covid-19 vaccination drive in india. it should be 2 pages​


Answered by sushamasingh543


Today marks the start of the World Immunization Week. The COVID-19 pandemic, while draws the world’s attention to the vaccine, also reminds us of the importance of immunization, which saves millions of lives each year.

WHO is working with partners all over the world to accelerate research and development of a safe and effective vaccine and ensure equitable access for the billions of people who will need it. But even with an expedited process, development of a vaccine for COVID-19 will take time.

The ongoing pandemic disrupts routine immunization services in many countries. When immunization services are disrupted, even for brief periods during emergencies, the risk of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks, such as measles and polio, increase. Further disease outbreaks will also overwhelm health systems already battling the impacts of COVID-19.

WHO continues to support countries to maintain essential immunization for all vaccine preventable diseases. We issued guidance on immunization services during the COVID-19 pandemic, which provides guiding principles and considerations to support countries in their decision-making regarding provision of immunization services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Question 1: The world is waiting for a vaccine against COVID-19. Could you explain how vaccines work to prevent disease?

Answer: Vaccination is a simple, safe, and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases. Vaccines reduce risks of getting diseases by working with our body’s natural defenses to build protection. When we get a vaccine, our immune system responds, it

· recognizes the invading germ, such as the virus or bacteria,

· produces antibodies, proteins produced naturally by the immune system to fight disease;

· remembers the disease and how to fight it. If you are then exposed to the germ in the future, your immune system can quickly destroy it before you become unwell.

Question 2: News says dozens of vaccine candidates are being research. How long does it usually take to develop a vaccine? What is the process people use to test a candidate vaccine and the process is important?

Answer: Process of vaccine development usually needs a few years or even decades. Once a promising candidate vaccine is identified in research, it will firstly undergo scrupulous laboratory testing and preclinical studies, before the manufacture can apply for clinical trials:

The clinical trials are bound by strict regulations and take place across three phases:

During Phase I, small groups (approximately 20-50 people) receive the vaccine. This phase will assess the safety, side effects, appropriate dosage, method of administration and composition of the vaccine.

If it is successful, it will proceed to Phase II. At this stage, the vaccine is usually given to several hundred people. This group will have the same characteristics (e.g. age, sex) as the people for whom the vaccine is intended to be given.

In Phase III, the vaccine is usually given to thousands of people to help ensure it is safe and effective for broader use.

The results of all these studies will be rigorously assessed when regulators decide whether to approve a vaccine. Once a vaccine is approved for use, the vaccine must be continuously monitored to ensure the safety for the vaccinated peoples.


Question 4: Have human ever successfully curb a pandemic with vaccines?

Answer: Every year, millions of lives are saved thanks to immunization and it is recognized widely as one of the most successful and cost-effective health interventions.

Last December, the world celebrated the 40th anniversary of eradicating smallpox, which killed 300 million people in the 20th century alone. The success was attributed to an intense global smallpox vaccination campaign, in coordinated with broader public health measures.[6],[7]Today, we are seeing progress to similar success in polio. With effective polio vaccine and immunization efforts, the world has reduced wild polio cases by 99%, averting 18 million irreversible paralyze and 1.5 million children’s lives.[8]

In China, the successful childhood vaccination program has been certified wild poliovirus-free, verified maternal and neo-natal tetanus elimination in 2012, verified children under 5 were HBV-infected decreased to 0.32% in 2014, dramatically and consistently reduced vaccine-prevention diseases (VPDs) incidences to historically recorded low level by 2018 (e.g., 2.8 per million population for measles, 2.8 per million for rubella, and 1.3 per 100,000 for Japanese encephalitis), and achieved over 95% national coverage for all vaccines used for infants in 2018

Answered by mishrapiyushh1234


corona virus


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.

Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.

The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face.

The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example, by coughing into a flexed elbow

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