English, asked by shubhamkr4415, 5 hours ago

Write a paragraph on "Festivals:Joy of life."​


Answered by pcplionelmessi


Festivals bring about a range of emotions in us. They take us to a different level of emotional experience which is not only limited to ourselves, but also includes the society we interact with. Festivals can take vivid shapes, colours and procedures across the globe, but eventually it is towards the all-prevalent desire we all have to share with others, happiness and brotherhood beyond day-to-day existence.

Shared Sense Of Joyfulness

At times, economic capacities govern how elaborately a festival is celebrated, but the content and end result of the festival, more or less remains the same. They mark the beginning of a new phase, guiding towards a fruitful conclusion. Festivals across religions, indicate and reinforce a shared sense of joyfulness with common spirits which engulfs one and all. However, the degree to which one wants to get involved in festivities is an independent choice. Nevertheless, the perceptions, the emotions and in turn the behaviour variations, all display a positive outlook towards life.

The Reasons For Festivals

Festivals and events celebrated together hold different collateral benefits for various age groups. Benefits can be in terms of rituals followed, which reminds us of the reason and process behind each festival and also why it needs to be reinforced at that particular time of the year. Science based reasoning also explain the ritualistic procedure for many of our festivals. But most of the time, it’s the stories and incidents from mythologies, scriptures and holy books, which govern the conceptual understanding of festivals.

Importance of the Festival Makar Sankranti

Celebrating A Common Connection

Festivals guide us to the path of greater mindfulness and awareness. Rituals are performed with the hope of gaining positive results in times to come. Some also try to push their limits through different modes while thinking, planning and celebrating a festival, which provides a sense of accomplishment laced with lots of happiness! Therefore, festivals reinforce our beliefs to feel happy, transform and be a part of society that shares the same common spirit which connects us all!

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