English, asked by duboridutta2007, 2 months ago

Write a paragraph on following topics:
a/ Conservation of water. b/ My Aim of life. c/ Value of time.​


Answered by smartestgirl045


We should always respect time. A person who under stands the value of time will never waste it. Wasting time means postponing work which was supposed to be done at that Particular time especially students should always be punctual with time. If we respect time & do our work accordingly we will always be successful.


thanks plz mark me as brainlist

Answered by pandeyushashi


Life is not all about pain and regret, but about the experiences and learnings, we have. The best thing about Life is that it keeps moving forward. No matter what happens in our lives at one point, our life keeps moving and so we should also learn to move on in our life without any regrets.

Life is beautiful, but not always. It has lots of problems you have to face everyday. Don't worry though! All these problems make you strong, it gives you courage to stand alone in future. Life is full of moments of joy, pleasure, success and comfort punctuated by misery, defeat, failures and problems.

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