English, asked by ritvikakamal303, 4 months ago

Write a paragraph on 'Health is Wealth'. Keep in mind about this Pandemic and write the paragraph.


Answered by nulangadiaz


To be in good health is to be in good physical and mental condition and wealth is an abundance of valuable possessions. With each year we saw that the number of health issues in people increased. There were more and more daibitic people, obese people and people with heart diseases. Some might have been born with them but the higher precentage was due to lack of self care. Remeber those days when we got the flu, it was hard to breath, the nose was runny and we wished that we could breath again. That feeling when we got better, money cannot buy it. So I believe that having good health is a wealth. We saw with the earlier variaitions of the virus that people with side health issues had a bigger impact on themselves than the others. Proving that   wealth is an valuable possession. We could also use this weapon against the virus by trying to abide by the health guidelines and staying healthy. We all should agree that 'Health is wealth' because without it how are we to stay alive.

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