English, asked by shadev2617, 8 months ago

Write a paragraph on how gossiping and spreading rumours can be harmful, supporting the point (cite an incident) that even little things can have big consequences. You can structure the paragraph like this rumours are spread by people is reading something that they have heard and telling someone else. They are spread due to the peoples nature of gossiping. Rumours are harmful because they can cause panic among people which can lead to other problems


Answered by izzabhinder


Some people spread rumors as a way to intimidate others and gain status or popularity. But spreading rumors as a way to turn people against someone is a form of bullying — and it can have serious consequences for the person doing it. Spreading unkind gossip in person or online is not a decent or mature way to act. It hurts the person being talked about, and it intimidates other people. Sadly, when other people see this kind of thing going on, they don't always stand up for what's right. They may become less friendly to the person who is being talked about because they're afraid of becoming the next target. It doesn't mean they don't care. In fact, seeing someone else getting bullied makes other people feel bad. Bullying is like meanness pollution. It affects everyone in the environment. We don't have to be good friends with everyone — or even like everyone. But not liking another person doesn't give someone the right to spread rumors, gossip, or putdowns. Acting like this shows a lack of courage. It's a false way to gain popularity or status in the group. Real popularity comes from feeling comfortable with ourselves. People who are truly well liked treat everyone with respect and fairness. They don't put other people down or try to gain power by having "followers." They're confident and sure of themselves, so they don't have to resort to this kind of behavior. So what can you do if you find yourself the target of rumors and social bullying? Turn to a trusted adult for support. Talk to someone you can confide in, like a parent, teacher, school counselor, or coach. Let that person know what you're going through. Keep him or her up to date on what's going on, even as things start to get better. A trusted adult confidante can help you feel more supported and less alone. Plus, adults can take steps to put a stop to the rumors and gossip. Find your friends. Find a friend or two who will stick by you and who won't listen to rumors. If you want, share how you feel with those friends. Don't dwell on the situation, though. Spend time and energy having fun with your friends and doing activities you enjoy. Speak up. Consider speaking to the girl who's spreading rumors. If you can, approach her. Calmly say something like, "I know we don't get along. You don't have to like me, but you need to stop spreading rumors about me and talking behind my back." Don't be angry or mean. Avoid yelling. Just say what you want calmly, clearly, assertively, and maturely. After you've said what you want, you can simply walk away. There's no need to wait for her to say anything back. Leave her to think about what you said. Before you try talking to the girl, though, talk with an adult about what to say and how to approach her. Every situation is different, and you want to make sure things don't turn into more meanness, yelling, or fighting. It can also help to have a friend stand with you when you talk to the girl. Care for yourself. Do things that strengthen your confidence and positive feelings. Going through a situation like this can be difficult and painful. Gather your inner strength, get support from people who care, focus on positive things, and believe in yourself. These things can help you go through a difficult situation and come out stronger.

plz mark me brainlist

Answered by annasl


Rumors and gossip can be pleasurable, but they can also cause tension, anxiety, and physical and mental exhaustion.

Friendships can be alienated, reputations can be ruined, and ostracising conduct and other forms of relational aggression might result as a result of gossip and rumours.

Rumors are bits of facts or stories that haven't been confirmed.This means that the person relating the story has no way of knowing if it's real or not.  Most of the time, those who spread rumours do not bother to check whether or not what they are saying is true.

Typically, rumours are passed down from person to person, and each time they are told, they can shift significantly. As a result, over time, they may become exaggerated and altered.

Rumors and gossip are not the same thing. Generally, gossip incorporates some kind of juicy detail, inferring that the information is surprising or particular. Furthermore, gossip is often shared behind a person's back and can be extremely damaging.

Gossip mainly revolves around love, relationships and other topics that people don't usually discuss in public. Furthermore, gossip nearly always results in anguish and humiliation for the individual who is the subject of it. People spread rumours without considering how it may affect the person who is the subject of the rumour.


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