English, asked by sonkaranshika19, 3 months ago

write a paragraph on how to overcome our fear​


Answered by akankshakamble6


It seems, that everyone has some fears in this life. But how it is possible to live without any fears and be glad for every new day? The detailed information you can find ordering the definition essay on fear. Our professional writers will be glad to help you and you can be sure, that you will be satisfied with the essay. The fear of public speaking essay will help you not to be afraid of the speaking before people and you can see, that you will get the success in this sphere. You can be sure, that you will get only plagiarism free papers, because we value our reputation and your trust.

Here you can see a few simple ways how it is possible to overcome the fear.

1. Believe, that you can control your fear.

It is important to understand, that you are afraid of yourself. Because of it, you can control your fears. Only you can increase your fear or decrease it. You can replace the habit to be afraid of everything with the help of the habit to get the satisfactions from the risk. If you wish to know, what is the fear and the kinds of it, you can place the order on our site and our writers will provide you with the fear definition essay.

2. Visit the doctor.

If you want to be sure, that everything is ok with your health, you need to visit the doctor. You will be confident in your power and will not have any reason to be afraid of the different illnesses, which you could have.

3. Find the reason of your fear.

It is easier to overcome your fear if you know the reason of it. After that, you will be able to fight not with yourself, your body or your brain, but exactly with the reason of your fear. You can just think, why you were afraid the previous time and why your behavior was like that. You just need to think and to write your explanation. Maybe, the reason is because you used a lot of coffee or you just did not sleep well? Or there can be a lot of the other reasons. Did you have some conflicts with your husband, boss or family? You should write as much as it is possible and estimate everything. In the future, you should avoid all the factors, which can create your fear.

4. Relax and forget the stress.

If you live in the city, you can have a lot of stress because of your lifestyle. Maybe, the fears you have can be the signs, that you need to relax? Take the vacation and spend the time near the nature. You will see, that you will get a lot of positive emotions and you should have more satisfaction and relaxation.

5. Just do it.

You should have the habit to do what you wanted to do even if you have some fears, that you cannot do it or something like that. You should understand, that the fear is the reactions of the body, when we do something, that we did not do. All people have they own point of view and when they do something, which they have never done before, it is normal, that they can be afraid of the new things.

6. Understanding of the fear.

No one can be successful from the childhood. But if we wish to be successful in the future, we just need to do it. If you decide to waste the time, your fear just becomes bigger and bigger.

7. Believe.

The 90% of the people are afraid of the things, which they do not know enough. For example, some people can be afraid of flying. They have never been abroad, but they heard a lot of accidents via TV and they have the fear. But they cannot understand, that the accident can happen even if you are at home, for example the health problems, the earthquake or something like that.

8. Breath.

There are a lot of breath exercises, which can help you to relax and forget about your stress. If you breathe slowly, your brain starts to think clearly and you will calm down. You just need to use these exercises, because they will help you a lot. And you will be satisfied, that you can control your body and keep calm when some other people can be nervous.

9. Avoid the inner voices.

In most cases, we are afraid of the voices, which are in our head. Is it possible to avoid the fear of our inner voice? The answer is yes. We can control this voice and because of it, we should have enough power to do it.

10. Do not remember it.

Sometimes, we have the fear, because we got some negative experience and we do not want to make the same mistakes again. You should understand, that the negative experience is a good thing too, because you can analyze the situation and make the conclusions about it. Now you have the experience and you can do the other actions, so the result will be the other one.

11. Play with your imagination.

You can imagine your fear like some funny creature. All of us know, that if we can laugh at our fears, it means, that we can overcome them. You should find some funny moments and do not give your fear any chance to control your body and brain. Here everything depends on yourself, because only you can do it and can change your life.

Answered by zuraeni20



Fear is common in every human being but what differs is what gives you the jitters. In students, assignments and exams can be a real fear which may lead to poor grades despite being a bright student.

However, there’re various ways one can overcome their fears and this article will go through some of them.

1.      Believe in Yourself

No one will believe in you and your abilities if you don’t believe in yourself. This may sound cliché but it’s a longstanding truth. Therefore, it’s important to identify ways you can instill confidence in yourself and overcome the fear.

Remember, you are in charge of emotions and you choose what type of emotions that can take over you. Replace the habits that lead to fear with those that bring about satisfaction.

2.      Find the Root Cause

In most cases, the cause of fear may be deep-rooted. In others, the cause may be clear. Regardless, you want to identify the cause of the fear if you fancy any chance of overcoming it. You cannot solve a problem if you don’t understand it.

Sit down and think through previous but similar situations where you felt the same fear. What led you to fear the essay? Was it a poor grade you got from a previous essay? Or you think you aren’t up to the task?

3.      Try Relaxing Yourself

There could be other underlying factors that lead you to fear writing an essay or to complete your essay. For this reason, you may want to take the time to relax.

This you can do by taking a break from your normal routine and go to a quiet and secluded space to think through the cause of fear and how you can manage the situation.

Sometimes, fears are indications you need to take time out to relax. After the break, you’ll be surprised to see just how much you’ll be able to focus on the task at hand.

4.      Go for it

Yes, go for it. Tackle that assignment or essay even if you feel intimidated by it. Fear manifests in people after going against the body’s wishes.

You see, the body is used to a certain routine and when this routine is broken, the body enters defense mode. In this case, fear is one of the ways the body will use to protect itself. Besides, if it’s still overwhelming, you can consider Online Assignment help.

5.      Accept the Fear and Live with it

Sometimes, it’s better to accept the situation and live with it. By accepting your fears, you can plan ahead because you know exactly what to expect. Imagine the entire situation and start laying out a blueprint on how to tackle it in the event it manifests.

In conclusion, overcoming fears is an uphill task. However, you must understand that you are in charge of your destiny and shouldn’t allow your fears to control your life. In fact, there’s nothing that should make you think you aren’t up to any task.

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