English, asked by anika820, 4 months ago

Write a paragraph on 'Importance of Cleanliness' in 100 words. for class 6

please help!!!​


Answered by panchalreena0608

Cleanliness is a boon, and if we practice cleanliness, greater things are coming our way. Cleanliness is not just about keeping oneself and his home clean; it is also about keeping our environment clean. By keeping our environment clean, we can avoid the spread of germs because germs throw on the litter, making us sick. Some common diseases are cholera, hepatitis, flu.The additional virtues of staying clean are that people will like to stay near you as they will respect you for the qualities you have and the positive vibe you spread. The habit of cleanliness will also help you to concentrate on your work and will keep you motivated.Earth is facing a lot of problems and day by day the pollution index is increasing, if we can contribute a little to it by keeping our surroundings clean, we can even save this lovely planet from destruction.Cleanliness is best defined as the constant acts of maintaining good health and keeping away dirt and practicing both environmental and personal hygiene.We need to maintain proper hygiene and start cleaning our homes first. After we are done with this, we need to reach out to the streets and important places like our schools. Moreover, we should also tell other people to do the same as it is equally essential for them to stay clean.

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