Write a paragraph on lessons from lockdown
The lockdown has taught us to evolve, upgrade and be resilient to change and overcome the challenges. Not everyone is lucky to see another day nor will we get a chance like this to be at home with people we love. Life and its chapters will grow but we need to adapt to positive and lateral thinking to fit into the fonts of the book. The choice of being bold, italics or just normal is left to you. Mother Earth will survive with or without us. The contra is not true. We have learnt to plan things . It has cleaned our environment . Made us know the importance of our loved ones . All in all it has benefited us in many ways
Lockdown is the only one thing due to which we are learning to manage each and every household works . It has made us capable of many things such as managing time , spending time with par families and etc. The ultimate lesson that we learned from this period of time is that Anything excess is bad...