Write a paragraph on Lighting Lamp for class 6 best out of waste
It acts as a dispeller of darkness. As soon as the fire is lit, darkness flees away. Similarly, the lamp being offered to the lord dispels the darkness inside the heart of the devotee
What comes to your mind when we use the word 'waste'? It can be a large picture of dirty, used and unhygienic things lying in a corner of the road. Every year, million tons of wastes are produced globally.
So why is waste a global issue? This is because it is posing a huge threat to the environment and public health. It is linked to the way society is producing and consuming goods of any kind.
Waste has to be looked upon as a global issue as it concerns proper sanitation. An excellent plan to reuse the waste will give room for provision of potable food, water, shelter, communication and transport. Basic essential to society and also the economy as a whole. In many countries, there are minimal to absolutely no rules for regulating the waste. There are no rigorous enforcement or implementation of the same leading to opting of cheapest available course of action for the removal of the waste.