English, asked by omprakash689, 4 months ago

write a paragraph on necessity of lockdown in the world​


Answered by sandeepkaurarora035


Viruses have varying abilities to infect people. For COVID-19, each person with the virus can go on to infect around 2.5 people. If each of those people go about their day as normal, and infect another 2.5 people, within a month, 406 people would be infected just from that first infection.

COVID-19 is more infectious than other coronaviruses such as SARS or MERS-CoV. The “case fatality rate” (CFR), or risk of dying from the new coronavirus, is about 4.4%, (although this risk varies by geography, and also can change over the course of a pandemic) is also less deadly than SARS (10%) or MERS-CoV (34%). So, if COVID-19 is less deadly than previous epidemic threats, why has it spread so far and wide that it has brought the world to a standstill?

Answered by yateesh56


The ability of individuals who are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms, but can still spread the disease, explains why social distancing – limiting contact with others – in addition to other actions such as washing your hands and not touching your face, is so critical. The World Health Organization is starting to refer to it as physical distancing instead to emphasise the importance of being far away enough to avoid infection from the respiratory droplets that carry the virus. It is important that every single person adheres to this, whether or not they think they are sick.

For people who are symptomatic, or have been in contact with someone who is showing symptoms, most countries are advising total self-isolation, for a week or two in order to limit further transmission of the virus.

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