write a paragraph on obidience..
Our parents deserve the highest of regards from us in the world. It is through them that we have seen the light of the world. When we are born we were in a helps condition. We could not have lived if they had not taken care of us in our infancy. They took care of us when we were children and could not, help ourselves. They watch over us when we are ill and do their best to make us good and happy. For us, they work from morning to night. So it is the duty of every person to obey his parents.
Our parents wish our good. They sacrifice their comforts and pleasures for us. So it is proper that we should honor and respect our parents.
We are all to our parents. So we should try to please them in all possible way. It is our solemn duty to support them in their old age. God is pleased with him the Holy Quran. According to Hindus scripture, if the parents are pleased, all the gods and goddesses are pleased.
Obedience is doing what we are told to do. It means obeying other's order. It is submission to rules. It is a healthy frame of mind. Obedience is born of man's love of social life. Without obedience there cannot be any progress or success. Obedience to put our parents help us to prosper in life. We should do whatever they bid us to do. Because they always want our good and welfare. we should obey our teachers to get their teaching and blessings. we live in society. So we must obey the laws of society to live peacefully.Disobedience to the teachers leads to academic failure.If people disobey the laws of the country there will be disorder and destruction of the country. Obedience is not a slavery. it is no shame to obey the superiors.It is a great virtue. "FROM OBEDIENCE SPRINGS ALL OTHER VIRTUES".