English, asked by jannatulfarduslaskar, 3 months ago

Write a paragraph on prosperity brings friends , adversity tries them. (100-150 words).

I want a proper answer,

If anyone spams I'll report your answer

*If anyone gives me the correct answer I'll mark you as a brainliest* .​


Answered by LisaShido


Adversity as the salt of life

Dark and detestable as adversity is, it has yet an important end to serve in our life. It sets in relief the bright days of prosperity, making life what it is, a mingled yarn of joy and sorrow, light and shade. Pain is a necessary part of life, as inevitable as the ‘shades of darkness falling softly from the wings of night’ after the day is done. We may desire to be happy always, but dark days will come. Life, as the scheme of things exists, can never be without a cloud and a storm. The sky cannot always remain clean and blue and filled with sunshine. That life is not a real life; a national life in which only sunshine reigns and no bitter blasts range. It is the mixture of both that constitutes human life. Those who seek the one and try to avoid the other cannot be said the understand life, far from enjoying it. They cannot realize the great but simple truth that if pain were impossible, so also would pleasure be impossible; for it is by exactly the same physical machinery that we are able to feel both pain and pleasure. And it is a fact commonly unknown that a great deal of our pleasure is entirely due to its being alternated with pain. The pain of acute desire heightens the pleasure of its gratification. The more we crave something we want the greater is our pleasure in getting it. We never know the sweetness of the food we throw away in today’s abundance until we are destitute and starve as the poor do. We must, therefore, suffer before we enjoy. “He that has no cross will have no crown.”

It strengthens and develops our faculties

Adversity is the anvil on which the character of a person is forged. Our faculties, mental and physical, are strengthened by exercise. Kept unused, they will either become useless or die. As adversity gives more facility for the exercise of our faculties, it is inevitably a better school for man than prosperity. What is learnt in this school of adversity can nowhere else is learnt either from book or from schools and colleges. In prosperity, we degenerate and become idle, ease-loving and indolent; in adversity, we strive and thrive, and learn lessons of industry, courage, patience, perseverance, forbearance and forgiveness. A smooth sea never made a skilful voyager. “The storms of adversity, like those of the ocean rouse the faculties, and excite the invention, prudence, skill and fortitude of the voyager.”




Answered by diptimayeemahanta52


Prosperity Make Friends-Adversity Tries Them. :

When somebody prospers, many people get attracted to him. They will act as his well-wishers and friends with the selfish aim of sharing his wealth. But if some misfortune befalls him, all those people who had till then acted as his friends will desert him. Such selfish people are not true friends. A real friend will stand by him in times of joy as well as sorrow. He will never leave a person if some misfortune strikes him. Instead, he will try to help the unfortunate man as much as possible. Riches and prosperity attract people just like a magnet attracts iron finings. They will flock and cling to the person who has wealth. They will offer all sorts of false promises to him. Such friends will say that they are ready to give him as much money as he might need knowing that a wealthy man will never be in need of borrowed money. Even if they lend him money, they are sure that they will get back. A foolish man who is rich will take these selfish people for real friends. But real friends can only be recognized in times of adversity. His sincerity will reveal itself in such a time. Such a friend is invaluable. Unfortunately it is difficult to test a man whether he is sincere or not, unless such a time comes. So we should be careful in selecting friends. We should never rely on them too much. Prosperity is something that creates friends. Only adversity can test their sincerity.

No dear I am not from Bhubaneswar

I am from Keonjhar

And sorry for late reply

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