English, asked by sajjad9999, 1 year ago

write a paragraph on road safety.(i need big essay and also mention measures to prevent road safety.)


Answered by ujjawal5322


Road safety is a safety measure to reduce the risk of road accidents and road side injury because of the mistakes of people while driving on the road. We cannot count the daily road side accidents and death of people because of the driving mistakes and lack of road traffic rules followers. Every person going on the road has risk of injury or death. Such as pedestrians, motorists, cyclists, passengers, etc.

Everyone needs to be well aware of the road traffic rules especially children and young people who are at significant road accident risks. According to the statistics (World Health Organization, 2008), it is found that most of the hospitalization cases and leading cause of death are because of the road trauma.

Answered by fiza1426


roadroad safety has now become the most important factor that is needed my each and every person to be followed not only you generation but also people of various ages if the topic of youth comes then there are many children were driving and riding the vehicles underage and they are not legally allowed and hence they are violating the rules regulation and law and order to drive their vehicles and the vehicles are being provided to them by the parents willingly and the children drive their vehicles in a very hard and speedy manner which leads to the destruction of their own life as well as others not only it creator crossing the road but also maybe lifetime injury to the victims and for a short time injury can also be done such things can only be prevented if periods are well aware about the rules and regulations of the road safety and they must not provide the children with the vehicles not only children but different age group people must make sure that they follow the traffic rules they wear helmet for their safety so that they may not be victim of major injury which may be fatal because number of people are being dying in the country India because of road accidents and various other things related to road safety at 17 major things should be taken into account regarding our vehicles we must always check the brakes and keep away goals in a proper condition so that they may be not causing problematic situation for us there are many other things to be taken into account we must always make sure that the lights which are being installed in a vehicle are well properly working the horns are properly working and you must be having a driving licence with you so that you are not being find out of it

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