write a paragraph on rohtak Shori Market in Hindi
एशिया की सबसे बड़ी 66 साल पुरानी शौरी क्लॉथ मार्केट इन दिनों संकट से जूझ रही है। कभी ग्राहकों से गुलजार रहने वाली मार्केट अब व्यापार को तरस गई है। कोरोना वायरस और लॉकडाउन ने रोहतक के कपड़ा व्यापार को इस तरह झकझोरा कि हरियाणा के साथ-साथ राजस्थान, सूरत, मुंबई, महाराष्ट्र, गुजरात, पंजाब और तक प्रभावित हुए। इन राज्यों से ना तो सामान आ रहा है और ना ही वहां के व्यापारी यहां से सामान ले जा रहे हैं। अरबों का व्यापार करने वाले करीब 1200 व्यापारियों के हालात इस समय ऐसे हैं कि दुकान पर काम करने वाले वर्कर की सेलरी तक के लाले पड़े हैं। टैक्स की बात तो दूर किराया देने में पसीने छूट रहे हैं। 1954 में शुरू हुई इस मार्केट ने 41 साल बाद 1995 में बाढ़ का दंश तो झेल लिया, लेकिन कोरोना के कारण लॉकडाउन के संकट से उबर पाना मुश्किल हो रहा है। कपड़ा व्यापार की कमर टूट गई है। बाजार खुल गए हैं, लेकिन ग्राहक ही नहीं आते, जो आते हैं, वो कपड़ों का डिजाइन पुराना बताकर खरीदारी करते ही नहीं। हालांकि लॉकडाउन खुले एक महीना नहीं हुआ, लेकिन हालात ये हैं कि 25 से 30 प्रतिशत व्यापार घट गया है। व्यापारियों का अनुमान है कि जिस दुकान पर लॉकडाउन से पहले महीने में 1 लाख की सेल होती थी !!
11 months ago Jyoti Tejpal
Rohtak Shori Cloth Market
Rohtak Shori Market which is Asia’s biggest cloth market in Haryana you can see, from the crowd of the dingy streets to broad roads, on the outer areas hawkers selling vegetables and traffic going ahead and under construction upper bridge to move away outer traffic towards outer the city.
Rohtak Shori Market
Rohtak Shori Market
Rohtak is 70 km from Delhi, comes on National Highway no. 10 and known as the political capital of Haryana. It is famous for reputed educational institutes, cloth market and dairies. A Harappan site with painted grey ware artifacts has been discovered near a village in Rohtak district in Haryana.
During the late 17th and 18th century there were large export of the Indian cotton to the western countries to meet the need of the European industries during Industrial Revolution.
India is the second largest producer of fibre in the world and the major fibre produced is cotton. Other fibres produced in India include silk.jute,wool and man made fibres. 60% of the Indian textile Industry is cotton based.
Behind its formation and known to be the Asia’s Biggest Cloth Market, Shori Market from the mid 1800s,like around in 1850, the cotton textile industry, however, made beginning in Mumbai.
Rohtak Shori Market
The first cotton textile mill of Bombay was established in 1854 by a Parsi cotton merchant then engaged in overseas and internal trade. Majority of the early mills were the hand-work of merchants engaged in yarn and cloth trade at home and as well in Chinese and African and greater India’s Market.
The first cotton mill in Ahmedabad, which was eventually to emerge as a rival center to Bombay, was established in 1861. The spread of the textile industry to Ahmedabad was largely due to the Gujarati trading class.
Due to more demand for textile industry, Surat started to be known as point of prosperity during the sixteenth century. The Surat Port was being important by the European traders. Britishers and the Portuguese started battles against each other to gain dominance control over the trading route. The French and the Dutch also arrived in the city with business needs.
Rohtak Shori Market
Rohtak Shori Market
The place termed as to be India’s western gateway because of its strategic position. The city has witnessed a blend of many traditions and cultures. As the market which is known to be Shori Market, now has a long history and strong connection to Bombay, Surat and Ahmedabad.
Shori Market was known to be wholesale market which came in existence, more productively after the Partition of India, when people who have been living in this part of India migrated to and from Pakistan durimg partition of India. This lead the Hindus and Sikhs migrate to Rohtak and this made this market abandoned.
Rohtak Shori Market
Rohtak Shori Market
For a living few people started doing work and started small shops of clothing and other inter-related products in this area which then came to known as Shori Market. Earlier when market was abandoned, the people who come from partitioned India started shops here and now majority of shops belong to Hindus and Sikhs.