Write a paragraph on Srinivasa Ramanujan about 200 words.
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One of the greatest mathematicians of India, Ramanujan’s contribution to the theory of numbers has been profound. He was indeed a mathematical phenomenon of the twentieth century. This legendary genius of India ranks among the all time greats like Euler and Jacobi.
Ramanujan lived just for 32 years but during this short span he produced such theorems and formulae which even today remain unfathomable in the present age of super computers. He left behind him about 4000 formulae and theorems.
It is believed that these were the beginning of some great theory that he had at conceptual stage which failed to develop because of his premature and untimely demise. His personal life was as mysterious as his theorems and formulae.
Srinivas RamanujanRamanujan was deeply religious and united spirituality and mathematics. For him the zero represented the Absolute Reality. Researchers are still struggling to understand the source of his remarkable genius in mathematics.
It is believed that he was a great devotee of the Hindu goddess of creativity and that the goddess used to visit him in dreams and she wrote equations on his tongue. Ramanujan was the first Indian to be elected to the Royal Society of London.Ramanujan was born to poor parents on December 22, 1887 at Erode in Tamil Nadu. His father was employed as a clerk in a cloth merchant’s shop. However, his mother had a sharp intellect and was known for making astrological predictions.
Not much is known about his early life and schooling except that he was a solitary child by nature. It is believed that he was born as a result of ardent prayers to the goddess Namgiri. Later Ramanujan attributed his mathematical power to this goddess of creation and wisdom. For him nothing was useful unless it expressed the essence of spirituality.
Ramanujan found mathematics as a profound manifestation of the Reality. He was such a great mathematician and genius as transcends all thoughts and imagination. He was an expert in the interpretation of dreams and astrology. These qualities he had inherited from his mother.
His interest and devotion to mathematics was to the point of obsession. He ignored everything else and would play with numbers day and night on a slate and in his mind. One day he came to possess G.S Carr’s “Synopsis of Pure Mathematics”, which contained over 6,000 formulae in Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus but contained no proofs.
Ramanujan stayed at Cambridge for four years and during this period he produced many papers of great mathematical significance in collaboration with his mentor Professor Hardy. His phenomenal and exceptional genius was recognized all over the academic world.
He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society, London in 1918. He was then 30 years of age. His mastery of certain areas of mathematics was really fantastic and unbelievable. But soon his hard work began to affect his health and he fell seriously ill in April, 1917.

Srinivasa Ramanujan is one of the greatest mathematicians in the world, and he is known for the great work that he did in his field. He made a lot of his theories very popular in the world, and that is why his theories still get used in lots of countries.
He was born on 22nd December 1887 in Erode, and he gets known by a number of contributions he made in the theory of numbers. It is very shocking for a lot of people, but initially, Ramanujan never studied mathematics. He studied mathematics in the latter half of his education and became an expert of it.
He studied a few books written by international mathematicians, and after a few years, he made his own several theories on mathematics.
He was very poor, and he did various researches in poor circumstances only, but he later got supported by Ramachandra Rao and his clerical job due to which he became able to learn more and invent several new studies on mathematics.
In 1914, he won a scholarship to England and studied under Godfrey hardy. He did not only studied hard but invented various other theories which made Hardy his fan as well. He surprised every teacher with the knowledge of mathematics that he had because he never knew the modern techniques of the maths, but he still did better than a lot of professors and researchers at that time.
He invented a lot of theories, and the most famous ones are as followed: Ramanujan constant, Mock theta functions, Ramanujan conjecture, Ramanujan prime, Ramanujan theta function, Ramanujan’s sum, Ramanujan’s seta series, etc. He also won the award of fellow of the royal society.
He worked for a very short period as he died at the age of 32 only, but his theories are still alive in a lot of people’s brains and textbooks. So, this was all about the best mathematician in the country Srinivasa Ramanujan.
His exceptional genius in mathematics had already been acknowledged while in Cambridge, and his work still lives on to make every Indian proud.
In 1904 Ramanujan provided a method to calculate Bernoulli numbers and calculated the Euler–Mascheroni constant up to 15 decimal places.
He was also awarded by the K. Ranganatha Rao prize from school Headmaster.
Founded The Indian Mathematical Society.
He solved the problems to find the values of differential
Hardy–Ramanujan number 1729 is also his famous work.
hope this helpz