Write a paragraph on the basis of tree and the need for planting
As we learned in third grade biology, trees are essential to life. They create the very air we breathe and filter air pollution.
What you may not know is that trees also build soil and help soak up storm water before it can create a flood, and they offer energy-saving shade that reduces global warming and creates habitat for thousands of different species. Trees also help to reduce ozone levels in urban areas.
Like humans and animals, plants need both water and nutrients (food) to survive. Most all plants use water to carry moisture and nutrients back and forth between the roots and leaves. Water, as well as nutrients, is normally taken up through the roots from the soil. This is why it’s important to water plants when the soil becomes dry. Fertilizer also provides plants with nutrients and is usually given to plants when watering. The most important nutrients for plants growing needs are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Nitrogen is necessary for making green leaves, phosphorus is needed for making big flowers and strong roots, and potassium helps the plants fight off disease. Too little or too much water or nutrients can also be harmful. Air and Soil What helps plants grow besides water and nutrients? Fresh, clean air and healthy soil. Dirty air caused by smoke, gases, and other pollutants can be harmful to plants, limiting their ability to take in carbon dioxide from the air for making food (photosynthesis). It can also block out sunlight, which is also necessary for healthy plant growth. Healthy soil is extremely vital to plants. In addition to essential nutrients found in soil (from organic matter and micro-organisms), soil provides an anchor for plant roots and helps support the plants. Light and Temperature Plants also need sunlight to grow. Light is used as energy for making food, a process called photosynthesis. Too little light can make plants weak and leggy looking. They will also have fewer flowers and fruits. Temperature is important too. Most plants prefer cooler nighttime temps and warmer daytime temperatures. Too hot and they may burn, too cold and they will freeze. Space and Time Space is yet another factor to consider when growing plants. Both the roots and foliage (leaves) need room to grow. Without enough room, plants can become stunted or too small. Overcrowded plants are also more likely to suffer from diseases since airflow may be limited. Finally, plants require time. They do not grow overnight. It takes time and patience to grow plants, some more so than others. Most plants require a particular number of days, months, or even years to produce
we learn in biology about tree how can helpful for us tree contribute to their environment by providing oxygen improving air quality conservating water preserving soil during the process of photosynthesis tee take carbon dioxide and produces the oxygen we breathe tree are an important part of every community i think planting of trees should be everyone park Playground and backyard and leaned with tree that create peaceful
tree increase our quality of life they provide shadow in temperature the control climate by moderating the effect of the sun heat , Rain and wind leave absorb and filter the sun radiant energy tree also lower the heat temperature and air
tree essential to the co_ system in which they reside the main reason we like tree they are both beautiful and majestic
i love planning of tree