English, asked by shilpuja08, 7 months ago

write a paragraph on The internet.. 700-750 words ​


Answered by vermakkshweta


The Internet is one of the most recent creations done by a person that has reformed the style of working and living. It has nearly decreased the separation and has broken all the human-made boundaries and brought the entire world readily available.

The Internet is the biggest world-wide communication network of computers. The Internet has millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks, which together carry many different kinds of information. The short form of internet is the 'net'. The World Wide Web is one of its biggest services

Answered by Anonymous

The Internet

Internet is one of the most important inventions of the modern science and technology. It's basically a modern medium of data transfer and communication. We can do lots of thing with the help of the internet. We can browse different websites and then we can consume different types of contents (text,video,audio) present in different websites of the internet. Gathering information about different subjects doesn't require encyclopaedia nowadays, we can easily use "Google" for this. Other daily life things like shopping, booking tickets, ordering foods, booking cabs etc. are now possible in online medium through the internet. In simple words, internet had completely changed our lives in the past few years. But there are few drawbacks also. The internet addiction, adult content consumption of the minor children are most noticeable negative impacts of the internet. But, we have to overcome these issues and we have to use internet for better purposes, in order to build a greater future.

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