write a paragraph on the topic encounter with a ghost
\\\\\\\ ENCOUNTER WITH A GHOST ////////
Ghost encounters are either horrifying, like those typical flimsy plots, or comical, like the Canterville Ghost himself. However, mine was quite unique. It all happened two years ago. I've got this odd habit, as my mother says, of sleepwalking at around midnight and then going back to my bed at one. Similarly, that night was like any other night; I, the usual sleepwalker, climbing up and down the usual flight of stairs at the usual hour. Suddenly, I woke up and found myself staring at the bathroom mirror, and behind me was a girl in a white gown, waving at me. I was horrified and I was about to sprint to my bedroom, when she began approaching me; and then, I witnessed the strangest scene— that ghost tripped over and fell flat on the floor. "Awww..that hurt!", squealed she. I, out of sudden compassion, tried to help her up, but I pulled at thin air instead. "Oh you fool! She's a ghost!", I told myself. The ghost got up, straightened her dress, and held out her hand, "Hi! I'm Mary the ghost! And you are?" I've spent 15 years at this house, since my birth, and now I encounter a ghost, who's eager to know me! "I'm Jenna, and where are you from?" I rebuked myself, she must be from hell. "Oh! I'm from London!", she spoke out of joy. And then she continued bragging about her experience as a teenage ghost, the pranks she played on people, the good deeds she had done for kids and so on. And she didn't even let me speak for a moment; so mean of her! However, she said something that did sadden me, "You know, being ghost is not that fun at all. I often find my parents kissing my photograph and weeping bitterly, while I linger above them, trying to make movements to let them know that I'm always with them, but all in vain. After all, its been five years since I died in a bus accident, and that trauma hasn't lost its grip over my parents' minds. No wonder why I try to interact with people like you so that I can at least feel human." I assured her with confidence, "You are always welcome here! And, you might help me in getting rid of my nightly sleepwalks!" But, she never came back.