Write a paragraph on the topic 'Man was born free but everywhere he is in chains' in about 80-100 words.
When a baby is born, he or she is free from all social bandages. A new born baby is free from all responsibility. However, as the baby grows up, he finds that he has to follow the various norms and laws of the society. He has to follow the laws of the land.
Liberty is sometimes misinterpreted as freedom from the restraint of law. People being given liberty do sometimes act in a manner subversive of law and argue that since they are free they can do whatever they like and nobody has any right to challenge it. There people apparently confuse liberty with license.
Liberty is based on the recognition of rights of other people and a proper respect of Law regulates relations between individuals and maintains social equilibrium. The unrestrained use of liberty may give rise to fights among themselves, revolts and other anti-social activities and the liberty of the community itself may be endangered. Hence any infringement or violation of law is prevented by the machinery of the State. Law thus brings some limitations on the liberty of every individual. However, one should remember that laws are made for the successful functioning of the society.
This ordinary world, replete with beautiful objects, is a gift of God.
Man is sent in this world without any chain or fetters, regardless of creed class,
race and nation. A newly born baby takes his breath as a free mortal; his conscious
is free from the thought that he is a slave or free citizen, a prince or penniless.
With the passage of time, the conscious of a child begins to develop Freud
says that a child confronts first authority when he is given toilet training. He receives
another blow on his freedom when he has to follow time management and discipline in
school. With the initiation of social life, he begins to understand that he is not a free being.
The loss of freedom compels him to long for an earlier youth. This is not
strange to hear from a child that he wants to attain his youth as soon as possible.
In fact a child thinks that he will be free from all authorities when he will attains
the age of youth. This myth soon is shattered when this child takes steps into manhood.
Soon he realizes that he is enslaved either in poverty or lonely in a beautiful palace:
sometimes the chain of his clan prevents him from being mixed up with others and
sometimes his sect imprisons him, he feels that everywhere he is in chains. This is the
tragedy of man that he is enslaved in spite of being free. One may call it slavery amidst
Man is a unique creature of God; he is important not only as an individual but also a
integral part of human society. Man is enslaved by the chains of society; some chains hurt
this soul and few chains prevent him from proceeding towards destruction.
The chain of slavery, poverty, class, sect are really a mark of ugliness on the face of
this beautiful world. Slavery has been chasing mankind since the stone stage. Albeit slavery
has become an unacceptable phenomenon in our civilized world but unfortunately, many nations
are enslaved under the foreign domination even in the twenty first century. The third World
is bond by the chains of slavery imposed on it by the economically developed countries in
different forms.
Racial discrimination is another thorny chain in which mankind is enslaved. Man is
born free but so-called civilized society enslaves him to the chain of superior or inferior
race consciousness. This division is not limited to hatred but takes man to the butchery of
Sometimes the passion of patriotism exceeds the limits and injuries the sense of
righteousness of nations that they fight wars with one another. The chain of jingoism hurts
the feelings of other nations.
Man is also enslaved in the chains of poverty, ignorance, superstitions etc. All men in
all nations are born with freedom but they lose it when they are subjected to economic
disparity. Hierarchical structure of society is the chain in which man is enslaved even in
the twenty first century. A newly born baby does not know that society will push him to
acute destitution and he will be unable to come out of the slavery trap. Poverty, clamped
on man drives him to darkness and many other social evils.
All humans are born with equal rights but some are deprived of these rights and
enslaved by the chain of compulsion force. But the chains are not from God; infact man is
the enemy of man. These are man made fetters. God decorated this world for all human
beings regardless of the fact whether man is obedient or otherwise but man’s attitude
to his fellow beings is that of a master and a slave. Man exploits man by enslaving hi in the
chains of compulsions of racial discrimination.
Rossoeue is right when he states that man is born free but everywhere he is in chains.
But all the chains, created/imposed by society, are the marks of ugliness on the