English, asked by Xxauspicious3354xX, 5 hours ago

Write a paragraph on the topic “Peace and War” with the reference of the chapter ‘The Best Christmas Present in the World’.

Write a paragraph on ‘Natural Disaster’ with the reference of “The Tsunami”.

Write 10 sentences of simple present and 10 sentences of simple past.

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Answered by meharbhatia0508


War is a terrible evil. It refers to an armed battle between nations. War causes big sufferings to the family members of the people who die during the war.

During wars, there is massive destruction of property, wealth, trade, industry, etc. It completely upsets the social life of people.

Many people argue that war is a necessary evil, and the only process of solving international disputes. But, in reality, war happens, only because people are not ready to settle disputes in a peaceful manner.

Peace means complete freedom from disturbance. It refers to those times when there is no war or fight among nations. Once the world starts believing that wars are unnecessary and decide to abolish war completely, they will certainly find a way for peaceful co-existence.

Human being’s love for peace is universal. Human being is by nature peaceful. War does not furnish a proof of the idea that human is a fighting animal. Even the acts of war did not spoil in the least human’s spontaneous love for peace.

Modern people are threatened by the dreadful inventions of science. But this actual threat is coming not from science but from war, in which the power of science is abused.

It is one thing to keep a nation strong and vigorous and save it, it is another thing to infuse a wanton spirit of aggression and destruction into it.

The modern nations must truly realize in their heart the full significance of the teaching – ‘For all they that take to the sword, shall perish with the sword’. Then and then only shall peace reign in the world

Answered by MizBroken

The Best Christmas Present in the World is togetherness

The story, “The Best Christmas Present in the World” is a story with the backdrop of the war. The story revolves around the festive season of Christmas where the author finds a note inside his old desk. He tries to reach the owner of the note and deliver the note to her, which is actually a letter from her husband Jim during the war.

The best present to anyone would be being with their loved ones, be it their friends or family, at the time of festivals or any other special occasion. It's love and togetherness that we crave both during the ups and downs of our life, like when we are sick or sad.

Paragraph on ‘Natural Disaster’ with the reference of “The Tsunami”.

A tsunami is a natural disaster which is a series of fast-moving waves in the ocean caused by powerful earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, or simply an asteroid or a meteor crash inside the ocean. A tsunami has a very long wavelength. It can be hundreds of kilometers long. Usually, a tsunami starts suddenly. The waves travel at a great speed across an ocean with little energy loss. They can remove sand from beaches, destroy trees, toss and drag vehicles, houses and even destroy whole towns. Tsunamis can even be caused when a meteorite strikes the earth's surface, though it is very rare. A tsunami normally occurs in the Pacific Ocean, especially in what is called the ring of fire, but can occur in any large body of water.

10 examples of simple present tense.

My son lives in London.

She plays basketball.

He goes to football every day.

He loves to play basketball.

Does he go to school?

It usually rains every day here.

It smells very delicious in the kitchen.

George brushes her teeth twice a day.

He gets up early everyday.

They they speak English in USA.

10 examples of simple past tense.

Two boys played with a ball.

An old lady walked with her cat.

A nurse brought a little girl baby to the park.

An old man sat down and read his book.

Michael studied hard all year.

Amelia chose to stay with her father.

Mary forgot to turn off the light.

I cancelled my meeting for tomorrow.

We played basketball yesterday

I went to school yesterday.


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