English, asked by manishpanda591, 11 hours ago

write a paragraph on travelling as a part of education using following points [ points : introduction----- bookies knowledge not enough----- lust for traveling------- a part of education ----- lot of practical knowledge------- climate, soil, culture and people of different countries------- conclusion . ]​


Answered by joannarachelpradeep


ditorials written in my first,two.yearS as KAPPA\ editor. The best that can

,-be-said of those early efforts is that.1 was aware of the:problem. The'KAP

PAN,/ knew,-had not' found its niche in the worldOfediicatio- ruirfoini

. _

It lacked personality. identit y, and focim It needed a touchstoneby which to

----test-thefuhality-and-usefulness- of ovailoble materials.

It -was. With-this troubling knoteledge that I attended a-meeting.of the

KAPPrOi editorial consultants in Detroit in tlu spring of 1968. It was .d

memorable tweeting. Presiding Was- Sam ,Browne14 Superintend...hi of the

schools and a forther.U.S. commissioner of education. 'Wing the con-

:qiIttititS was my good friend from college dugs, Roy _Wilson, then director of

.preSsaria radio :Anions for the National Education Association. The three of

us prepared aMotion addressed to the Phi Delta Kappa Board of Dim:16:s. It

recommended that the'KAPPAN "dealicith controversial problems, getting

and setting forth .all .sides of .i.s.sues important to education .The resolution

Pasfed'and was-approced 1,y the PDK board. That fall my, editorial asked,

"What-Are the Issues?" 1 nnotedIrving-Melbo of the University of Southern

California iisiollows,"The ability to recogiikx issues is an art too of ten look- Mg among, educational pdminist rat ors. ,i3ut, perhaps the ,fault "lies .With: the

institutions which trained them, because no man can recogidkeissiies if he has_

not learned to think-in terms of issues. The simple truth is that great economic

and rsocial: orees-Siceep overcormh unities that are only.fialfcbriscious_of.

,a is befalling them. Wise statesmen are those who foresee what time is

bringing and endeavor irshape institutions and to mold men's thoughts and

,purposes in accordance with'the'change that is silently shrrounding'theth."

Volume-40 of the KAPPAN (1958-59) began imtatively-to identify and

dear with what -time warbringing to the=schoolc, "letting personalities fall

wherelhey May."1 set up-a eommittee consisting of Theodore Brameht.'llad

Douglass, Arthur .11.-Rice,:Sr., and two classroom teachers, Chris Om-nohow

(gridlock Fishleder, to help in this enterpriseThat was die beginning of a coh-

,tinning search. _It is still the anchor of KA'PPA'N editoriol:policy.

Obviously, it is not easy to deal forthrightln.thith hot issties'in a journal

supported Int People Whose careers depend more On boat-steadying than on

bont-rocking. 1 -recall:addressing a 1962 meeting_of EdPress editor.s on the

topic, "How to Treat Controversy and Keep Tour Job." -

., I,did, of ,course,)rnt' the NEA', education was just beginning. "Epentiially

NEA leaders ea 'Me to.apPretiate the accuracy of most of Liberman's obserVationssin;'his .` article; "The-Battle for 'New Yorlc,Cit y's Teachers," andrero rganiiedjto,-nieet the;_ AFT'` ,. In theinki-SiitiesPhibeitur Kappa sponsored a series of summer institutes

on collective neg otiationS at_ such institutions as,the `UniVeisity-of -rentisyl-

_parikt,:liarvard,' the University of Calif orr_j_ga t BgrkTeley;and Indiana Unitier,

:Sity.=Liebe rmari and! were

Answered by pargatbuttar


Mark me brilliant please

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