write a paragraph on " water cycle " using the following points: water evoporates from water bodies - rises as vapour - gets heavier- condenses, forms clouds -falls to earth as rain. (100 words)
The water cycle is also known as the hydrologic cycle which is a continuous cycle where water evaporates, travels into the air to form clouds, gets precipitated and then falls down as rain back on earth.
The water cycle is a process where first the water moves from one reservoir to another like from a river to the sea and then to the ocean.
The entire process of water cycle takes place in almost five steps which includes the evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, and runoff.
To begin with, water gets evaporated from the water bodies on the surface of earth like rivers, oceans etc. into the overlying atmosphere. Here during this process, energy consumption takes as water is being taken from the environment and hence the environment is being cooled.
From the evaporation phase, the water then gets to the condensation phase where the evaporated water is being cooled and when in contact with a surface gets liquefied. In the water cycle, the water that is being in vapor form condenses to form clouds in the air. Here, during the process, it releases the energy and warms the environment.