write a paragraph on what the world be with out words .
Words are important. They help us communicate, to explain things, to relate to each other. They are an art form, a source of education, and they can serve to inspire, unite, and motivate. Words are awesome and essential, and yet, they are also tools of gross reductionism. Words limit us- flatten the world and squash it onto a page with a title and a definition. We are programmed to believe that once we know the name of something, we know what it is. This is not the case. Think about your name. How can a simple word, an arrangement of a few vowels and consonants, ever capture the depth of who you are as a person? Your dreams? Hopes? Memories? The complexity and history written in your DNA? It doesn't. Your name is just a word. In a similar way, how can a word like "tree" tell us what that tree actually IS? Yes, we can intensify its description by adding more words; we can describe its purpose(s), its beauty, its color, we can say whether it is a birch or a pine. But by doing so, we lump that tree into a category. We slap a label on it and then we stop looking at it, stop caring about it. Just because we can use words to describe it, we think we KNOW it, so we close the book on it.