World Languages, asked by afsheenbasith, 14 hours ago

write a paragraph on what you have leaRNED FROM THE INCIDENT OF TAIF?


Answered by bhavtaram678


The utmost form of patience and endurance is all that we learn from the Prophet’s Ta’if incident. This wasn’t any ordinary incident in the Seerah(The life of the Prophet), rather this was an extraordinary chapter of the Seerah where the prophet(SAWS) was tested to an extreme and utmost level of pain and torture on the streets of Ta’if but he delivered the greatest form of patience, endurance, forgiveness and mercy to the people of Ta’if.

This incident teaches us as how ‘Patience and Endurance” are the biggest of all virtues for humans to succeed, and God gifts patience to no one other than to those who are humbly submissive to Him.

It was during the 10th year of his prophethood, the prophet set out on foot towards Ta’if from Makkah. Zaid bin Harithah was giving him company on this noble journey for calling people of Ta’if to worship their Creator (The one true God).

For ten days, he stayed there calling people to worship the God Who created them, and created everything else that exists. However, the people of Ta’if and their servants hooted him through the narrow lanes, pelted him with the rain of stones until the blood flowed down both his(SAWS) legs while Zaid(RA) was trying to shield him.

The crowd did not cease until they had chased him two or three miles across the sandy plains to the foot of the surrounding hills. Finally, when the crowd disappeared, the noble legs with full of blood clotted to the shoes found a place against the wall of a vineyard because he was tired and wounded yet confident that God will not leave him alone to deal that situation, so he raised his hands to God and described his helpless state.

Oh, Allah, I appeal to you for the weakness in my strength,

and my limited power,

and the treatment of contempt and humiliation from people.

To you, the most Merciful of all the Merciful ones,

you are the Lord of the oppressed, and you are my Lord

Under whose care are you leaving me to?

To an enemy oppressing me?

Or to a friend you have given control of my affair?

If there is no anger from you on me I will forever be content.

However, your blessing is vastly important for me

I seek refuge with the glory of your light,

which the heavens and earth are lit from,

May it never be that your anger will befall on me,

nor your displeasure descends on me

To you is the supplication until you are pleased,

and there is no control or power except by you.

The Heavens were moved and Angel Gabriel appeared before the prophet(SAWS), greeted him and said,

"Allah knows all that has passed between you and these people. He has deputed an angel in charge of the mountains to be at your command."

Saying this, Angel Gabriel ushered the angel before the Prophet(SAWS). The angel greeted the Prophet (SAWS) and said:

"O, Prophet of God! I am at your service. Order what you wish. If you like, I will let Al-Akhshabain(two mountains surrounding Ta’if) fall on them.

Having his shoes full of blood clogged to his feet, the merciful and the noble Prophet(SAWS), replied to the angel of the mountains nothing but the words of kindness, mercy and hope.

Prophet(SAWS) replied.

Answered by Karessaanna


By rejecting Muhammad's religion, the people of Ta'if ordered their children to throw rocks and stones at Muhammad and Zayd ibn Harithah to make them leave the city and never come back. ... Muhammad bled so profusely from the stoning that his feet became clotted to his shoes and was wounded badly.


Pls mark me as the brainliest

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