write a paragraph punctuality
Hi dear User and Here is your answer as Being asked as a Question---
Question-: Write a Paragraph on Punctuality
Answer- Punctuality - The Time Towards the followed time and The respect as per Declared By the Person and Time is the First Value to be learnt By The name Punctuality .Punctuality Keenly means That e should never Be recovered By Being Late for something as If a Person Causes Punctuality on A day -The whole People depending on Is greatly Affected too . The Word Punctuality Truly Means That -Being an Early Comer and Gives Value towards the Time's . Punctuality Also Is one of the main Proverb Related that is Known a s-'First Impression is the Best Impression' in which Punctuality is highly Depended as The first Impression That is been seen or Done by someone is the Time hat is Valued by .A major example I am Providing is - If a Child Has woken Up early and Became Late in Reaching his/her Bus and Therefore become's Late to the school Bus and Due to This Reason the Bus Driver Comes up Late in Dropping the Students in The school and Then The students to get to be Late and Therefore gets Punishment by the Teacher . So just because of one Child , The whole Depending that Is given has become Late by That . So this is one value been Taught by Punctuality. It is Said That Time and Tide Waits for none and Time fly's as well so Value if been Given to time In order to Be Punctual Indeed.
Hope It helps you