English, asked by hiteshnegiaaya1060, 10 months ago

Write a paragraph teenagers are not undwrstood their parents


Answered by Solankiyash927


Parents and teenagers don’t understand one another because of age differences, unfamiliar teenage activities and the high expectations parents have of their teenage children. Many parents and teenagers don’t understand one another because of age differences. Being a teenage is the stage to have fun. This is seen when a high school student enjoys socializing with their friends, especially going to a party. Parents have a lot of responsibility raising their children such as providing them with food, clothing, shelter, and an education. Therefore, parents are usually serious and stern because of this great responsibility. Teenagers don't understand why their parents cannot be more laid back and parents can't understand how their children can be so carefree.

Another reason why parents do not understand their teenagers is because of teenage activities.   Teenagers are the people who are experimenting with many things such as relationships, and drugs. Many parents are aware of these things and that’s the reason why they are over-protective of their young teenage children. Parents feel they should guide their young children in the right direction, but teenagers want their independence, so they do not understand one another’s desires.

Expectations of parents is another reason why parents and teens don’t understand one another.  Parents want their children to go to college or university and to have a good job someday. Some young teenagers are not serious about their studies and this is the reason why parents are getting mad at them. Education is the only opportunity to achieve success. Because of this, parents are always telling their children that they need to study hard because education is the only key to success and teenagers resist their parent’s advice.

Teenagers should listen and follow their parents’ advice so that they receive good direction in their lives and parents should listen to what their teens have to say about their own lives.

Hope this answer will help a lot.

Thank you Dear.

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