English, asked by anantjindal4pao10j, 1 year ago

write a poem on A DAY WITHOUT MOBILE​


Answered by deshdeepak88


I just wish people would leave me alone,

And stop asking me what happened to my phone.

I had my phone out at school in the hall,

But I wasn't even trying to make no call.

Here comes the principal, with his disgusting self,

He only took my phone and not nobody else.

It was only cause he saw the headphones in my ear,

But the sounds of my music was all I wanted to hear.

I used someone else's phone to text my mom cause I was feeling sad,

I told her that, "They took my phone"

She texted me back, "Too bad"

The only way to retrieve it was my mom would have to get it,

But she wasn't tryna hear it, no she wasn't even with it.

Well, this is her mom and i have to say,

I went to get her phone, yeah I got it the same day.

She doesn't even know it, how she's sitting sad and blue,

So I'm going to hold on to her phone, for about a day or two.

No Instagram, no texting and not even Twitter,

She looks so sad without her phone, she looks extremely bitter.

I want her to learn and figure it out,

and see what else life's about.

Not to have your phone every minute, I told her, "It'd be alright",

I guess she'll go to bed early just to make it through the night.

Maybe she'll dance, or watch t.v,

Life without a phone, how could this be?

Maybe she'll study, maybe she'll clean,

Maybe she'll read, or maybe just dream.

Well, she fell asleep on the sofa, sleeping in peace all alone,

I guess she found something to do with her life without her phone.

Next time she'll know and learn to abide,

To the school rules, she will have to apply.

here is your answer.

please please please mark it as brainliest answer.

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