write a poem on mother lanka
Wake up mother Lanka please do don weep,
Butchered are thy children even in their sleep;
Thy brood did err but now they are fine,
Let no aliens whip them for still they are thine.
Thy children did quarrel like Cain and Able,
The whole world knows it for it's not a fable;
To err is human and to forgive is divine,
Let no aliens treat us as the brood of some swine.
The vessel with a torn sail……
Floating in the Indian ocean…
Oh! Good Gracious….. you see…..
The hull also seems to have broken.
Thousands of patriots
Her sons and daughters
Disregarding the nationality
Kissed her body
For “your” name
For “my” name
For “our” name…..
Leaving lonely pillars
Always being showered
By drizzles of tears.
Mother Lanka is our precious mother
With the engorged breasts
Secreting milky flows
Nourishing and feeding us in the fields
Yet, why we divide her?
Head, Neck and body…….
Has she ever done wrong to her offspring?
Clasp hands together
Enjoy the beauty of our mother
Together we flourish her
And join the rest of the nations on this globe
With courage and determination…….
To protect mother Lanka………..
Our beloved mother………
As one country and one nation!
Kolitha Lelwala