write a program in java as per the given details:
class name:Myself
My name:...................................
Father's name:...............................
Postal address:...........................
Contact Number:........................
The program displays all the details on the output screen.
Following are the program in java language which is given below :
import java.util.*; // import package
public class Myself
public static void main(String[] args) // main method
Scanner scrn2=new Scanner(System.in); // create the instance of scanner class
String myname; // variabe declaration
System.out.print(" Enter My name:");
myname=scrn2.nextLine(); // Read the name input by the user
System.out.print(" Enter father's name:");
String fname=scrn2.nextLine();// Read the fathes name input by the user
System.out.print("Enter Postal address:");
String postal=scrn2.nextLine();// Read the address input by the user
System.out.print("Enter the phone number:");
long number= scrn2. nextLong(); // Read the phone number
System.out.println("My name:" +myname); // display the name
System.out.println("father's name:" +fname);//// display the fathers name
System.out.println("Postal address:" +postal); //// display the address
System.out.println("Contact Number:" +number); //// display the phone number
Enter My name: Manvi Soni
Enter father's name: Mr. Suresh Soni
Enter Postal address: 56 Lalbangla
Enter the phone number:7898585978
My name: Manvi Soni
father's name: Mr. Suresh Soni
Postal address: 56 Lalbangla
Contact Number: 0987654321
The description of the program is given below:
- Create the instance of scanner class
- Read the name input by the user using nextLine() method
- Read the father's name input by the user using nextLine() method
- Read the address input by the user using nextLine() method
- Read the name input by the user using nextLong() method
Finally print the value in the given format which is mention in the question.
Link below:
Wap a program in java...