Computer Science, asked by harsh645229, 6 months ago

write a program in Java to calculate square and cube root without using Java math function...
answer it fast very urgent...​


Answered by atreyaaavs



import java.util.*;  


class GFG  



// Recursive function that returns  

// square root of a number with  

// precision upto 5 decimal places  

static double Square(double n,  

                    double i, double j)  


   double mid = (i + j) / 2;  

   double mul = mid * mid;  


   // If mid itself is the square root,  

   // return mid

if ((mul == n) ||    

       (Math.abs(mul - n) < 0.00001))  

       return mid;  


   // If mul is less than n,  

   // recur second half  

   else if (mul < n)  

       return Square(n, mid, j);  


   // Else recur first half  


       return Square(n, i, mid);  



// Function to find the square root of n  

static void findSqrt(double n)  


   double i = 1;  


   // While the square root is not found  

   boolean found = false;  

   while (!found)  



       // If n is a perfect square  

       if (i * i == n)  



           found = true;  



       else if (i * i > n)  



           // Square root will lie in the  

           // interval i-1 and i  

           double res = Square(n, i - 1, i);  

           System.out.printf("%.5f", res);  

           found = true;  






// Driver code  

public static void main(String[] args)  


   double n = 3;  





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