Write a program in Java using an array to find the ASCII codes of the following characters A, B, 8,<and!
ASCII is a code for representing English characters as numbers, each letter of english alphabets is assigned a number ranging from 0 to 127. For example, the ASCII code for uppercase P is 80.
In Java programming, we have two ways to find ASCII value of a character 1) By assigning a character to the int variable 2) By type casting character value as int
Lets write a program to understand how it works:
Example: Program to find ASCII code of a character
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
char ch = 'P';
int asciiCode = ch;
// type casting char as int
int asciiValue = (int)ch;
System.out.println("ASCII value of "+ch+" is: " + asciiCode);
System.out.println("ASCII value of "+ch+" is: " + asciiValue);
ASCII value of P is: 80
ASCII value of P is: 80