Computer Science, asked by adityavivek374, 5 months ago

Write a program in python to accept monthly salary from the user, find and display the income tax according to given chart. 

Monthly salary                     IncomeTax

30000 or more                    40% of (monthly salary x12)

20000 to 29999                  30% of (monthly salary x12)

15000 to 19999                  20% of (monthly salary x 12)

Below 15000                       Nil



Answered by adityaluckyengineer


income_input = {} for key in income_input.keys(): income_input[key] = income def calculate_tax(income_input): if (income >= 0) and (income <= 1000): tax = (0*income) elif (income > 1000) and (income <= 10000): tax = (0.1 * (income-1000)) elif (income > 10000) and (income <= 20200): tax = ((0.1*(10000-1000)) + (0.15*(income-10000))) elif (income > 20200) and (income <= 30750): tax = ((0.1*(10000-1000)) + (0.15*(20200-10000)) + (0.2*(income-20200))) elif (income > 30750) and (income <= 50000): tax = ((0.1*(10000-1000)) + (0.15*(20200-10000)) + (0.2*(30750-20200)) + (0.25*(income-30750))) elif (income > 50000): tax = ((0.1*(10000-1000)) + (0.15*(20200-10000)) + (0.2*(30750-20200)) + (0.25*(50000-30750)) + (0.3*(income-50000))) else: pass for key in income_input.keys(): income_input[key] = tax return tax

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