Write a program in Python to create a list of n elements and display the minimum element along with its index class 11 CBSE IP
Python program to create a list of n elements and display the minimum element along with its index.
[For execution, check the ATTACHMENTS given below]
Language used: Python Programming
#Dynamic Program
print("====Dynamic Program====")
no_of_elements_needed=int(input("Enter the number of elements n: "))
for i in range(no_of_elements_needed):
list_of_elements.append(float(input("Enter a number: ")))
#don't preceed any number with 0. decimals are allowed
minimum_element = min(list_of_elements)
print("{0} is the minimum element and its index is {1}".format(minimum_element, list_of_elements.index(minimum_element)))
====Dynamic Program====
Enter the number of elements: 7
Enter a number: 22
Enter a number: 42.1
Enter a number: 2.5
Enter a number: 7.9
Enter a number: 35
Enter a number: 257
Enter a number: 98
2.5 is the minimum element and its index is 2
#Static Program
print("====Static Program====")
list_of_elements = [7,35,98,34,3,54]
minimum_element = min(list_of_elements)
print("{0} is the minimum element and its index is {1}".format(minimum_element, list_of_elements.index(minimum_element)))
====Static Program====
3 is the minimum element and its index is 4
- min(list_name) gives the minimum value present in the list.
- list_name.index(value) gives the index of that value in the list.
- Follow Indentation.
Learn more:
1) Printing all the palindromes formed by a palindrome word.
2) Indentation is must in python. Know more about it at :
3) Write a Python function sumsquare(l) that takes a nonempty list of integers and returns a list [odd,even], where odd is the sum of squares all the odd numbers in l and even is the sum of squares of all the even numbers in l.
4) Python program to find absolute difference between the odd and even numbers in the inputted number.