Write a program in Python to create the following list and convert the even elements to its half and odd elements to double.
lst = [2,7,55,68,23,89,6,10,135,99,44,12]
for i in lst:
if i%2==0: # if number is even
item=int(i/2) # make it half
new_list.append(item) # append to new list
else: # if number is odd
item=int(i*2) # make it double
new_list.append(item) # append to new list
Answer:- We need to write a program in python to create the list and convert the even elements to its half and the odd elements to double. The program is written:-
for i in lst:
if i%2==0: # if number is even
item=int(i/2) # make it half
new_list.append(item) # append to new list
# if number is odd
item=int(i*2) # make it double
new_list.append(item) # append to new list
Python is currently the most widely used multi-purpose and high-level programming language now a days.
The Python programming allows programming in Object Oriented and Procedural paradigms.
All Python programs generally are smaller than other programming languages like Java, etc.
The Python language is being used by almost all technical giant companies like – Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
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Link1:- https://brainly.in/question/47181627?
Link2:- https://brainly.in/question/31513087?