write a program in python to read a number n and print n²,n³,n4...... plz answer.... and in last it's n of power 4
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num = int(input("ENter a number : "))
print("",num,"^2 = ",(num*num),"\n",num,"^3 = ",(num*num*num),"\n",num,"^4 = ",(num*num*num*num),sep='')
ENter a number : 10
10^2 = 100
10^3 = 1000
10^4 = 10000
- First i took number into variable num using int(input()) methods, the int() method is used for taking only integer value in python.
- input() is used to take input from the used it takes a string as argument and that string will be displayed on the output screen when the used is giving the input
- after taking input i directly printer the square of the given number and cube of the number and 4rth power of the given number
- in print() method takes String as argument or a variable as argument, so in string argument i said num² and calculated num² before printing
- like that i have done for num³ and num⁴
---Hope you liked my program in python,if you liked it mark as brainliest, it would really help me. :)
thanks...... nice explanation....
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Using python
n=int(input("enter the number:"))
print (n**2,n**3,n**4)
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