Write a program of java in blue J to input 2 numbers and a character, if the character is '+' , find and display the sum else display their product.
This is the answer:
If d = 0 : both the characters are same.
If d \< 0 : first character is smaller.
If d > 0 : second character is smaller.
Sample Input :
Sample Output :
d = (68 - 80) = -12
First character is smaller
If d = 0 : both the characters are same.
If d = 0 : both the characters are same.If d \< 0 : first character is smaller.
If d = 0 : both the characters are same.If d \< 0 : first character is smaller.If d > 0 : second character is smaller.
If d = 0 : both the characters are same.If d \< 0 : first character is smaller.If d > 0 : second character is smaller.Sample Input :
If d = 0 : both the characters are same.If d \< 0 : first character is smaller.If d > 0 : second character is smaller.Sample Input : D
If d = 0 : both the characters are same.If d \< 0 : first character is smaller.If d > 0 : second character is smaller.Sample Input : D P
If d = 0 : both the characters are same.If d \< 0 : first character is smaller.If d > 0 : second character is smaller.Sample Input : D PSample Output : d = (68 - 80) = -12
d = (68 - 80) = -12First character is smaller