Write a program QBasic to calculate Net Salary of an Employee. Accept the name and basic
salary from the employee and calculate the Daily allowance, House Rent Allowance and
Tax deduction as per the formula mentioned in the above question. The output should be in
the following format.
For example: Sam’s net salary is 35050
Given the following constrains and we have to calculate net salary of an employee.
Basic salary : $ 12000
DA : 12% of Basic salary
HRA : $150
TA : $120
Others : $450
Tax cuts – a) PF :14% of Basic salary and b) IT: 15% of Basic salary
Net Salary = Basic Salary + DA + HRA + TA + Others – (PF + IT)
I hope it is helpful for you dear
edit the numbers only
#include <stdio.h>
//main program
int main()
//variable to store values
float basic, da, hra, ta, others;
float pf,it;
float net_salary;
//input required fields
printf("Enter Basic Salary ($): ");
printf("Enter HRA ($): ");
printf("Enter TA ($): ");
printf("Enter others ($): ");
//calculate DA 12% of Basic Salary
da = (basic*12)/100;
//calculate PF 14% of Basic salary
pf = (basic*14)/100;
//calculate IT, 15% of Basic salary
it = (basic*15)/100;
//calculate net salary
net_salary = basic + da + hra + ta + others - (pf+it);
//printing Net salary
printf("Net Salary is: $ %.02f\n",net_salary);
return 0;