Write a program that prompts the user to enter grade. Your program should
display the corresponding meaning of grade as per the following table:
Grade Meaning
A Excellent
B Good
C Average
D Deficient
E Failing
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
double esm , total , average , percentage ,esm1;
int subjects;
printf("Enter the number of subjects:");
scanf("%i" , &subjects);
printf("Enter total marks for each subject:");
scanf("%lf" , &esm1);
double grades[subjects];
for(int i = 0; i < subjects; i++)
printf("Enter marks of subject %i:" , (i+1));
scanf("%lf" , &esm);
grades[i] = esm;
total = total + grades[i];
percentage = (total / (esm1*subjects)) * 100;
average = total / subjects;
printf("Your total is : %lf \n" , total);
printf("Your average is :%lf \n" , average);
printf("Your percentage is :%lf\n" , percentage);
return 0;